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Please note this question was answered in 2020. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Transjugular Liver Biopsy

Date: Jun 1, 2020


Are codes 37200 and 75970 appropriate for this case, or should we also add 76937 and 77002? Are there any other codes we are missing? "Utilizing direct ultrasound guidance, access was obtained into the right internal jugular vein. This was confirmed with ultrasound and wire was placed coaxially. The tract was sequentially dilated to ultimately allow placement of a long 12 French sheath system. This was ultimately advanced to the level of the hepatic vein. Selective catheterization of the hepatic vein with small catheter system demonstrated contrast injection confirming location. Via the larger sheath system, coaxially placed was the jugular biopsy kit, which was advanced into the hepatic vein and subsequently into the hepatic parenchyma with multiple passes to obtain small core specimens. Impression: 1) Right internal jugular vein accessed utilizing ultrasound and fluoroscopy and closed with manual compression. 2) Selective catheterization of right hepatic vein confirmed angiographically. 3) Transjugular intrahepatic core biopsies obtained and sent to pathology."

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