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Please note this question was answered in 2020. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Pocket excision and reapposition of ICD wound

Date: Jul 27, 2020


"Status post ICD generator change with partial dehiscence of the ICD wound. Lidocaine was used to achieve anesthesia at the site of the pre-existing incision. An elliptical excision of the scar was then performed and carefully dissected down to the generator. The generator was mobilized and removed from the pocket. 10 cc of 1% lidocaine with epinephrine was used to anesthetize the inferior medial aspect of the pocket, and the pocket was opened and expanded in this direction. The ICD was covered with the Tyrx antibiotic absorbable pouch and placed back into the pocket. The pocket was then copiously irrigated with antibiotic solution. There was no evidence of infection. The pocket was then closed in three layers, a deep 2-0 Polysorb, followed by a 3-0 dermal and 4-0 subcuticular running mattress closure. The wound was then dressed. The patient was transferred to Recovery in good condition. Successful modification of pocket excision and reapposition of ICD wound. This procedure was performed 14 days after the ICD generator change." Would this support CPT code 13160-7?

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