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Please note this question was answered in 2020. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

“Cephalo-subclavian junction” stenosis

Date: Apr 16, 2020


Is code 36907 reportable for “cephalo-subclavian junction” stenosis? "AVF aneurysm: The left arm was isolated as a sterile field. After Marcaine Xylocaine infiltration the arterial side of the fistula was incised to dissect out the aneurysm and overlying thin skin with appropriate in flow and outflow vessel. There was enough redundancy in the fistula that the aneurysm could be resected with end to end closure of the inflow and outflow vein. 5000 units of heparin was given and the fistula was clamped proximally and distally. The aneurysm was resected. The marks needle was inserted into the cut venous side of the fistula. A central venogram was obtained. Outflow veins were followed into the atrium and there was evidence of 70% narrowing of the lumen at the level of the proximal stent of the cephalo-subclavian junction. A 7 french introducer was placed and a 10 mm 4 cm charger balloon dilatation catheter was passed and the lesion was dilated to profile. The two ends were sutured end to end with 4-0 prolene. When clamps were released there was a good thrill in the fistula and a hemostatic anastomosis."

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