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Please note this question was answered in 2020. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Documentation for 20551

Date: Feb 26, 2020


When the documentation does not specifically state "origin" or "insertion", may we still use code 20551? "The patient was placed in the supine position, and the skin over the right anterior iliopsoas tendon area was prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion using chlorhexidine. Non-buffered 1% lidocaine was infused in the superficial and deep soft tissues for local anesthetic. A 22-guage 3.5" needle was advanced deep to the psoas tendon under direct ultrasound guidance. A total of  5 ml of a mixture containing 4 ml of 0.5% ropivacaine and 40 mg Kenalog was then injected. The needle was removed and the skin was bandaged. Ultrasound images were archived. There were no immediate complications."

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