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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.


Date: Nov 20, 2019


Can I submit 93621 with following report? "Under ultrasound guidance, the right femoral vein was cannulated with an 8 French sheath through which a 20-pole deflectable catheter was positioned in the right atrium and coronary sinus, a 6 French sheath through which a quadripolar catheter was positioned at the His bundle, and another 8 French sheath through which the ablation catheter was placed in the RV apex. A left heart transseptal puncture was performed in standard fashion utilizing intracardiac echo, fluoroscopic guidance, and hemodynamic monitoring. Left atrial pressure was measured and was 5 mmHg. A Baylis radiofrequency needle was used for transseptal puncture utilizing RF energy of 10 Watts over 2 seconds. A heparin drip was administered through the transseptal sheath. Serial measurements were made to target an ACT at >300 seconds. Mapping was performed with the HD GRID and ablation Tacticath SE. 50 watts used targeting LSI 5.5-6."

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