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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

LE Revascularizations

Date: Sep 17, 2019


When lower extremity revascularizations are performed in office setting (pos 11) under moderate sedation, are we allowed to bill for Q9967, J3010, and J2250 as well? Example: 37225-LT, 37252, 37253, 75625-59, 75710-59, 76937, 99152, 99153 x 3, Q9967, J3010, and J2250. Of course appropriate documentation for the moderate sedation and amounts of the drugs would be listed in report... I'm just not sure on the rules for billing the drugs themselves, and I can't seem to find any information from Palmetto GBA (AL). Thanks so much for any guidance.

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