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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Aspiration and Contrast Study of the Left Thigh Fluid Collection

Date: Sep 17, 2019


How would you recommend coding the following? I am thinking 20501 and 76080. Is the aspiration separately codable? "Under real-time imaging guidance, a 5 French access catheter was inserted into the lateral thigh fluid collection. 50 mL of thick nonpurulent fluid was aspirated. Specimen was sent to microbiology for further analysis. 10 cc of Omnipaque 300 was then injected into this cavity under fluoroscopy. No communication to the joint space was seen to joint space side. Permanent images saved in the patient's medical record. 1) Technically successful aspiration of left proximal, lateral thigh fluid collection. Specimen sent to biology for further analysis. 2) Contrast study of the left proximal lateral thigh fluid collection revealed no communication with the left hip."

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