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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

36818 or 36821?

Date: Sep 14, 2019


"I made a transverse incision at the arm crease, identifying the cephalic vein. I skeletonized the cephalic vein down to the forearm and up on the arm to allow for a tension-free transposition. I then began dissection of the brachial artery. We then identified that the brachial artery was a little more deep and lateral, and we began mobilizing the brachial artery. We got vessel loop control of the brachial artery. I divided the cephalic vein down on the forearm. I then beveled the end of the cephalic vein with appropriate length for tension-free transposition. We applied clamps to brachial artery and made an arteriotomy. We then transposed the cephalic vein onto the brachial artery, end-to-side anastomosis with 7-0 Prolene." Provider is saying this is 36818, but I don't think the documentation supports 36818. Please help.

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