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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

AVF-Remote access

Date: Sep 5, 2019


"The right internal jugular vein was accessed under real-time ultrasound guidance. The needle tip was visualized accessing the vessel. Permanent imaging was archived in a picture archiving and communications system. A 5 French sheath was placed. A 4 French flush catheter was used to catheterize the left upper arm fistula through the right internal jugular vein access. A fistulogram was performed, demonstrating patent arterial anastmosis. A 4 French angle glide catheter was used to select the left brachial artery followed by angiogram with fistulogram and central runoff. Angioplasty of the 50% pre-existing venous outflow stent stenosis was performed using a 7 mm x 8 cm drug-coated balloon catheter. Angioplasty of the 50% stenoses in both left subclavian and left brachycephalic was performed using a 12 mm x 4 cm balloon." Are the codes 36902-52, 36907, and 36012 for the jugular access?

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