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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Amplatzter Duct Occluder Closure of Main Pulmonary Artery

Date: Sep 11, 2019


"The patient is a two-year-old with tricuspid atresia, status-post bidirectional Glenn procedure with continued antegrade flow from the right ventricle. A recent catheterization showed high systolic pressures in the LPA with a high Glenn pressure noted. Pulsatile flow noted in the LPA with systolic pressures up to 18-20 mmHg with a mean gradient of 16 mmHg. There was loss of pulsatility with a mean pressure of 13 mmHg within the SVC. Angiography demonstrated a narrowing in the MPA from a band that was placed. The narrowing was approximately 4 mm. A 6 French delivery system was advanced into the RV retrograde from the pulmonary artery. An ADO 6/4 device was positioned within the MPA and adjusted following angiography. The device was felt to be in appropriate position and released. The pulsatile was no longer noted in the LPA. Pulmonary pressures were elevated at 15 mmHg with no gradient in the SVC." Would you code this with unlisted code 93799?

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