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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Ligation with phlebectomy

Date: Sep 5, 2019


"The greater saphenous vein was identified on the right. It was previously ablated; however, it was ligated. Secondary varicosities off of the saphenofemoral junction were also identified and ligated, including a large redundant secondary vein near the saphenofemoral junction. They were ligated proximally and distally and oversewn with 2-0 Vicryl stick tie. Once this was accomplished, a multilayered closure was performed. Dermabond was placed in the groin. Previously marked varicosities on the right lower extremity were removed with a stab incision. Stab phlebectomy was performed, removing the vein proximally and distally by clamping proximally and distally, transecting, and gently removing the vein. This was repeated down the medial aspect of the leg posterior to knee and the popliteal fossa, calf, and along the shin. 17 more incisions were made, for a total of 18. Once all the varicosities that were marked were removed, copious irrigation and hemostasis was obtained." Would this just be 37765? Provider wants to use 37700 and 37785 also, but the bundle?

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