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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Additional Ablation Code

Date: Aug 14, 2019


"Linear wide area circumferential ablation was done in the pulmonary vein antra of both the right and left pulmonary veins. Complete encirclement was done with power controlled up to 40 W in the anterior aspect of the LA and 30 W in the posterior aspects of the LA. Subsequently, a Lasso catheter was placed in the LSPV, and pacing from the CS was done to identify PV potentials. Ablation at the earliest site of the PV potential terminates conduction to the PV. This process was repeated for the LIPV, RIPV." Please note during the ablation in some areas of the antra, there was significant bradycardia, suggesting ganglionic plexi were also ablated. Does this documentation support 93657 or 93655 in addition to the A-fib ablation?

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