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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Sclerotherapy for lower extremity AVM

Date: Sep 5, 2019


"We then advanced a balloon occlusion catheter (Scepter) into the anterior tibial artery, and arteriogram was performed. The Scepter catheter was advanced into an inferiorly oriented division. From this location we performed three separate injections of 2 mL of EtOH with the occlusion balloon insufflated and an ankle tourniquet applied over 10 minutes followed by 10 minutes of non-injection. We performed arteriograms from this location in between injections. We then redirected the Scepter into the superior branch and 2 mL of EtOH were again injected over 10 minutes, in the same fashion." Procedure is for lower extremity AVM. Is embolization coded to 37241 or 37242?

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