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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

RT femoral artery removal of sheath

Date: Aug 5, 2019


My provider wants to bill the following as a repair indication for procedure: "Patient was having thrombolysis and was noted to have decrease in hematocrit and hemodynamic decompensation. Patient was found to have a retroperitoneal hematoma and has a right femoral sheath that had been upsized to a 6 French sheath to avoid further potential bleeding. Description of procedure: Patient was prepped under sterile and controlled condition. Incision was made in the right groin and dissection carried down to expose the area where the sheath has entered the femoral artery. Sheath was removed. The sheath insertion site and femoral artery were repaired by means of 5-0 prolene. Hemostasis was obtained and wound was irrigated thoroughly with irrigating solution. Platelet gel was applied on the wound. The wound was subsequently closed in a double layered fashion with absorbable suture and skin approximated in subcuticular fashion. Dermabond was applied, and patient left the OR to be monitered in ICU." How would this be coded. Just a removal or a repair?

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