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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Diagnostic or not? 61635, 61645, 36226

Date: Aug 6, 2019


Patient comes in with aphasia and has CTA, which shows occlusive thrombus distally within the M1 branch of the right middle cerebral artery, with reconstitution of M2 branches and non-occlusive thrombus within the basilar tip. Patient is taken to IR suite, and a thrombectomy and stent placement are performed of MCA. He also states, "I did look of the left vertebral of the demonstrated nonflow-limiting basilar embolus, which I decided not to treat." I coded 61645 and 61635, and I need to know if the vertebral angiography should be coded as diagnostic. I don't think we would code it because it was know,n but others say it should be coded because he looked at it and decided not to treat. Please advise.

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