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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Left Masticator Space Core Biopsy

Date: Sep 5, 2019


What is the code for left masticator space core biopsy? "The patient was placed in a supine position on the CT table. Limited images were performed to select a trajectory into the left masticator space. CT images confirmed the Spencer lesion. The skin was prepped and draped in sterile fashion. Skin anesthetization was achieved with local anesthetic. Axial images were obtained with a needle in place confirming trajectory planning. Using intermittent axial imaging, a guiding needle was advanced to the masticator space. The inner stylette was removed and the matched biopsy device advanced through the guiding needle. Biopsy was performed. The needle was removed. Post biopsy images were performed. Biopsy Device: Bard Mission, 20 gauge. Specimens: Three cores were performed yielding Linear non-fragmenting specimens, which were placed in formalin and delivered to the pathology department. IMPRESSION: CT-guided core left masticator space biopsy."

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