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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Afib/Atrial Tachycardia, Post PVI

Date: Jul 16, 2019


Would you charge 93657 or 93655, or both, for the following ablation(s) post PVI (93656)? "PVI successfully performed and entrance/exit block confirmed. Post PVI, pacing in LPV induces atrial fibrillation that then organizes into an atrial tachycardia. Intra-atrial septum is ablated, and arrhythmia is terminated. Additionally CFEs are ablated, and ablation of LA roof is performed for the potential development of LA flutter." How do you code these types of arrhythmia post PVI that start out as Afib but then morph into something else that would be captured by 93655 when there is only one site of ablation and both arrhythmia are terminated?

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