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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Aborted catheterization/angiography of lower extremities

Date: Jul 24, 2019


A patient with peripheral vascular disease/foot ulcer/gangrene was scheduled to undergo angiography/intervention of the bilateral lower extremities. (Doppler evidence of disease.) After moderate sedation was given, the cath lab tried to gain arterial access but was unable to. From the cath report: "Procedures performed: Moderate sedation initial 15 min. Technique: Intro micro stiff kit was used to get arterial access. New intro micro stiff kit used to get arterial access. Access aborted. The access area was covered with a dressing." The immediate post-operative notes (two) state the following. "Attempted angiography, unable to obtain access secondary to patient uncooperative, unable to sedate." "Attempted angiography, unable to obtain access secondary to patient movement despite attempts at conscious sedation. Patient is s/p CVA and difficult to sedate. Patient continued to move legs despite attempts at conscious sedation. Procedure aborted." What would a hospital code in this instance?

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