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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Additional ablation following Afib ablation

Date: Jul 11, 2019


Physician completes 93656. 93657 is documented. Physician then states,"We then reintroduced the HD grid cath. All veins were confirmed to be isolated. The superior posterior wall was also isolated by the balloon (posterior roof line created due to ongoing AF) AF persisted. The CIT mapping data was then assessed. There were two additional sites re-entry (micro-atrial flutter rotating about a phase singularity - distinct mechanisms of arrhythmia from the previously ablated AF) These sites were located in the low posterior wall inferior to the LIPV as well as very close to the transseptal site on the fossa. Both sites were sequentially targeted for ablation with the tacitcath." Physician requests two units 93655. Is this sufficient documentation, or would a specific arrhythmia need to be documented?

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