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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.


Date: Feb 21, 2019


Patient came in for sclerotherapy for a post-operative lumbar spine seroma. The code I am coming up with is 17999, which is an unlisted skin tissue procedure. Can you provide some clarity if the unlisted is appropriate? "INDICATION: Patient with postoperative lumbar spine seroma. PROCEDURE: Risks and benefits of procedure were discussed with patient and signed consent obtained after answering patient's questions. Patient identity and procedure were confirmed. Sonographic interrogation of the lumbar spine reveals a large fluid collection in the surgical bed. Overlying skin was prepped and draped in a sterile fashion with 2% Chlorhexidine and a sterile sheet. Collection was accessed with 5 French Yueh system under ultrasound guidance. Track was dilated for placement of an 8 French pigtail catheter. Collection was evacuated. Contrast was instilled into the collection. Contrast was evacuated. Dehydrated alcohol was instilled into collection. Alcohol was allowed to well for approximately 2 hours. Alcohol was then evacuated and pigtail catheter removed."

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