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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Coronary Compression Testing- incomplete Pulmonary Valve Placement

Date: Feb 4, 2019


In this scenario we’re coding for the interventional cardiologist. Patient presented for a transcatheter pulmonary valve placement. The interventionalist performed a complete right and retro left heart cath with angiograms in the LPA and aortic root along with compliant balloon testing and coronary compression testing. Balloon inflation demonstrated an inability to safely land the transcath pulmonary valve (the valve was never deployed). It was decided that the patient should undergo a surgical valve placement with cardiothoracic surgery, and this concluded the interventionalist's involvement. Should we code for the work performed (heart cath, angiography, unlisted for coronary compression)? Or attempt to bill 33477-52/53 even if the valve was never deployed and the patient went on to have surgical placement on the same day by another specialty?

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