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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Code 33866

Date: Feb 21, 2019


Would this disqualify a 33866 since a cross-clamp was used with a 33860? "The arch of the aorta was then explored. A tape was placed around the innominate artery. The origins of the left carotid and subclavian were identified, and they were not involved with the intramural hematoma. The intramural hematoma did extend proximally to the level of the aortic root, but could not be well visualized while the patient was still being perfused in a normal antegrade fashion. Once this had all been completed, a #30 Hemashield graft was obtained, and a beveled cut made. This was then sewn endtoend to the aortic arch utilizing running 40 Prolene suture. Once this had been completed, the graft was allowed to fill with blood, and the aortic crossclamp placed on the graft after first measuring the graft for length to the proximal anastomotic site. Once the aortic clamp was in place, the clamp on the innominate artery was removed, and rewarming commenced as well as standard antegrade cardiopulmonary bypass. The graft was cut to length then sewn endtoend to the proximal aorta."

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