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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Unilateral or Bilateral

Date: Jan 21, 2019


My doc is performing a LLE agram with possible intervention for a patient with a wound on his left foot. He passes the catheter in the abdominal aorta (75625). The catheter is withdrawn to the iliac bifurcation where contralateral injection was performed, and multiple subtraction images were obtained of the pelvis. Catheter was advanced to the contralateral left common femoral, and LLE was performed. In the impression it says bilateral common iliacs, external iliacs, and Internal iliac arteries are widely patent without significant stenosis. Then describes the left SFA/popliteal and tibial artery. My doc always performs a bilateral angiogram/runoff, but does that warrant a bilateral study to be coded (75716)? Or should I only code a unilateral study (75710) since that's ultimately where he was looking?

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