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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Aborted Ablation

Date: Jan 19, 2019


How would you code the following? "Through the sheaths in the left femoral vein, an ICE catheter and a CS catheter were placed. Diaphragmatic pacing was performed in the RA and the SVC and was unable to capture the phrenic nerve. Anesthesia was also unsuccessful with stimulating twitches. The thought was the patient had a pseudocholiesterase deficiency. As diaphragmatic capture does need to be performed during both CRYO and RF, the remainder of the ablation procedure was aborted. At the completion of the case the sheaths were removed and sutured with 0-silk in a figure-8 pattern. ICE evaluation showed no evidence of pericardial effusion at the end of the case." Being that 93662 is an add-on code, and 93610 (for the RA pacing) isn't one of the reportable base codes for 93662, should unlisted code 93799 be reported?

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