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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Direct punture into graft limb with imaging

Date: Jan 21, 2019


Denial received for use of 36246, 75710. Please clarify is this is allowable. This is diagnostic, no recent studies billed with 35876 for primary procedure, notes states graft was punctured. The aortofemoral bypass graft could be seen coming down into the femoral level here. Next, the origin of the fem-pop bypass graft could be seen with a patch on this. A micropuncture was then placed above into the graft here, and a wire was placed. Then, an angiogram was performed of the left leg, which showed that the profunda had a significant stenosis where the patched area was, but that there was a patent fem-pop bypass graft with very slow flow due to distal occlusive disease in the graft.

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