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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Cryoablation of Periaortic mass

Date: Jan 8, 2019


Not sure what CPT to use for the following procedure. "Cryoablation of periaortic nodal mass for metastatic adenopathy. Procedure: 14 gauge cryoablation needles were advanced into the left periaortic mass. The mass now measures 4 cm AP by 4.1 cm transverse by approximately 5 cm cephalocaudal. The needles were placed within the same oblique plane with T1 needle approximately 17 mm below the other. This provides adequate coverage from the top of the lesion to the caudal margin. Following confirmation of good needle position, 2 cycles of cryoablation were carried out for 10 minutes. CT imaging was used to confirm good location of ablation zone."

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