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Please note this question was answered in 2019. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Left Internal Mammary Artery Angio

Date: Jan 9, 2019


"INDICATION FOR THE PROCEDURE: History of coronary artery disease. Status post coronary artery bypass graft. Severe prosthetic aortic valve stenosis. The patient being evaluated for valve-in-valve TAVR. DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: Patient was consented. Right groin was locally anesthetized. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. A 6 French sheath was introduced into RFA. Thereafter, left internal mammary selective angiogram was undertaken using a LIMA 6 French diagnostic catheter. Left internal mammary artery graft to the LAD is patent. Distal LAD is patent with competitive flow. Right groin was closed with an Angio-Seal closure device." Question: How would you code this IMA angio alone without heart cath?

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