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Please note this question was answered in 2018. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

76937 with 33208

Date: Oct 15, 2018


Is code 76937 billable with pacemaker insertion code 33208? One of our coders attended the recent Dr. Z conference and was told that 76937 is considered "roadmapping" when done in conjunction with heart cath procedures and is not billable due to the S&I portion of 76937 being included with the procedure. The coder was under the impression that it is now not billable with any of the percutaneous "heart" procedures. Per the NCCI edits, pacemaker insertion code 33208 and ultrasound guidance code 76937 do not bundle. Can you please provide advise/guidance as to when ultrasound guidance code 76937 is and is not billable for percutaneous cardiac cath procedures, in particular, pacemaker insertions?

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