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Please note this question was answered in 2018. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Sclerotherapy for bilateral varicose veins of legs

Date: Oct 24, 2018


"Butterfly needle was inserted in a lower large varicosity that was visualized by ultrasound. 1 cc of polidocanol was then injected into the varicosity. This was imaged and massaged into place. The first one was done on the right lower extremity. On the left lower extremity, the same process was repeated with visualization of the large varicosity with ultrasound, and using a butterfly needle, access was obtained in real time with 1 cc of polidocanol then injected into this left lower extremity." Is it correct to report codes 36470-RT and 36470-LT? Since 36471 is multiple veins in the same leg? Please advise.

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