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Please note this question was answered in 2018. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Thrombectomy and Angioplasty of AVF

Date: Oct 15, 2018


We have a dilemma and need help. How do we report a percutaneous angioplasty with an open thrombectomy? We see 36905, which includes both angioplasty and thrombectomy, but we cannot report this code because our thrombectomy is performed open. I queried the physician, and the reason why it's been done this way is because the facility does not have the equipment to perform percutaneous thrombectomies. Is it okay for me to report codes 36831 and 36902? There are NCCI edits stating that code 36831 is bundled into 36902; however, modifier -59 can be used to unbundle it. Would the application of modifier -59 be warranted in this case?

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