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Please note this question was answered in 2018. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Unusual multiway thrombolysis of dialysis circuit

Date: Sep 17, 2018


How would you bill the following scenario? Patient had lysis initiated (36904) on day 1. Patient returned on day 2 for angioplasty with subsequent lysis from existing catheter (36902). On day 3, the patient returned for imaging and termination of lysis (36901). Can each day be billed separately, or would they all be included in one code? Specifically, since separate dates of service, would we bill the aforementioned codes individually or 36905 one time? Looking for clarification on the term "encounter" in regards to this. Trying to decipher if encounter means each day, or if the entire inpatient stay would be considered "one encounter."

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