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Please note this question was answered in 2018. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Transarterial Provocative Test Occlusion

Date: Sep 10, 2018


I'm not sure how to code for this. We were thinking perhaps 37799 and not 61623 because a "balloon" is not mentioned. The doctor calls it an embolization, but we're not sure it's really an embolization. Please advise. "Utilizing a Headway dual 167 microcatheter, the radicular artery carry into the dural arteriovenous fistula was superselectively catheterized with the micro-catheter tip at the C5-6 foramen. Additionally, with the micro-catheter injection, DynaCT was obtained. Through this system, 10 mg of intra-arterial lidocaine was injected to mimic the occlusion effect of dural arteriovenous fistula with SSEP and motor-evoked evoked potential monitoring. There is no change of the neurophysiological finding. However, the superselective microcatheter injections revealed the presence of a posterior spinal artery from the arterial pedicle. Therefore, no further endovascular treatment was carried out. Multiple control angiograms were performed to monitor the embolization procedure, and no complication was encountered."

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