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Please note this question was answered in 2018. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Angiograms in question

Date: Sep 10, 2018


"LCF artery punctured w/ 6 French sheath. Aorta was catheterized and angio obtained, no stenosis. Rt common iliac, external iliac, common fem, superficial and popliteal were catheterized and angiogram of each segment obtained. Vessels patent except superficial fem that had 60% stenosis. Distal runoff revealed patent anterior tibial to the foot. Rt tibioperoneal was catheterized and angiogram revealed 60% stenosis, distal runoff was peroneal artery only to the foot. Pt given 6000 units of heparin and sheath place up and over to the rt fem. Angioplasty of the tibioperoneal trunk and superficial fem performed with 3.5mm and 5mm balloon and post angioplasty both vessels were patent. Catheterization of lt external iliac performed and was patent. Sheath removed and puncture site closed." Billed as 37228, 37224, 75710, 75625, 75774. I'm confused with the angiograms. Can you explain why these are correct? Our clinic struggles with 75625/75630 and 75710/75716 and 75774 is always an issue.

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