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Please note this question was answered in 2018. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

35142 Resection of infected pseudoaneurysm right groin & 35661 Interposition femoral to femoral bypass

Date: Aug 13, 2018


Is the bypass considered inflow/outflow to 35142? Can both of these be coded together with 1 incision? "Distal dissection revealed a large pseudoaneurysm with multiple lymph nodes. It was decided to open the pseudoaneurysm to repair. A clamp was placed on the common femoral artery. An incision was made into the pseudoaneurysm, which was quite thick wall. At the base of the incision was an area of superficial femoral artery about 5 or 6 cm, which was totally destroyed by infection. This area was resected in its entirety, leaving a stump of distal common femoral and a stump of superficial femoral, which appeared to be good tissue. Cultures were taken from the base of the wound. Saphenous vein was then harvested. It was far enough away from the pseudoaneurysm and appeared free of infection. A sufficient length the proximal greater saphenous was harvested and prepared for use in a reversed fashion. The proximal common femoral and distal superficial femoral were heparinized. The vein was then cut to length and sutured end and each of these arteries using 6 0 Prolene suture."

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