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Please note this question was answered in 2018. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

34201 and 35371 or is it bundled since it is same incision?

Date: Aug 6, 2018


"Provider performed endarterectomy of the common femoral artery. There was no significant backbleeding from SFA. #3 and #4 Fogarty catheters were subsequently placed down the SFA, yielding a moderate amount of thrombus and small amount of backbleeding. Arteriotomy was closed by means of elliptical pericardial patch and 6-0 prolene. Flow was reestablished. Common femoral was accessed and visualized with micropuncture needle, and patient noted to have patent profunda and SFA with distal irregularities and calcification. No further thrombus was identified." Should I report codes 34201 and 35371, or is it bundled since it is same incision?

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