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Please note this question was answered in 2018. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Imaged from Abd Aorta and contralateral CFA selectively

Date: Jul 31, 2018


"Abdominal aortography demonstrates patent renal arteries. Ectasia and calcification of the infrarenal abdominal aorta without evidence of aneurysm. The superior mesenteric is also widely patent. The inferior mesenteric and celiac axis are not visualized. There is atherosclerosis involving the proximal common iliacs bilaterally without significant stenosis. There is evidence of an ulcerated plaque in the left common iliac that is not flow limiting. There is evidence of plaque disruption in the left external iliac. The right common and right external iliacs are widely patent with atherosclerotic plaquing. That is not flow limiting. Both the right and left internal hypogastric arteries are patent. RLE angio + runoff was performed from the contralateral CFA and was outlined in great detail. Following intervention, catheter was pulled back & detailed LLE angio + runoff was performed." I would normally bill 75716 and 75625, but I can't bill for LLE angio after intervention. Since bilateral iliacs were viewed from the aorta, I'm unsure if I should report 75630 and 75774 or 75710 and 75625?

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