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Please note this question was answered in 2018. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Scout CT

Date: Jul 31, 2018


For a CT-guided retroperitoneal lymph node biopsy, the physician dictated, "A scout CT scan was obtained with a grid system in place on the skin over the area in question. Appropriate CT scan slices were obtained. A window from the surface to the mass was calculated. An incision was made with a scalpel. A 17 gauge coaxial needle system was advanced. This was monitored with CT fluoroscopy until a retroperitoneal lymph node was entered. An 18 gauge core biopsy device was then passed through the coaxial system to obtain a biopsy. Three samples were taken and given to pathology, which indicated that there was appropriate tissue for diagnosis. The needle system was removed, and a sterile dressing was applied." What codes would apply here? Can we code for the scout CT as well as the CT guidance?

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