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Please note this question was answered in 2018. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

10035 for muscle wire placement vs unlisted 21899

Date: Jul 25, 2018


Would the following be reported with code 10035 for muscle wire placement or with unlisted code 21899? "The patient was brought to the interventional suite and was placed in a semi-upright supine position. The patient's left neck was prepped and draped in the normal standard sterile fashion. Ultrasound was used to evaluate left sternocleidomastoid muscle, and an appropriate biopsy site was chosen. 2% lidocaine was used for local anesthesia of the superficial tissues. The 0.9 mm hypoechoic nodule was identified. This was approximately 1 cm deep to the skin surface and 1.5 cm just lateral to the vasculature. These landmarks corresponded to the prior ultrasound. Color-flow imaging demonstrated low resistive arterial waveform within this as well. Under ultrasound guidance, 2% lidocaine was used for local anesthesia. Following this, a wire localization needle was advanced under ultrasound guidance to the edge of the nodule. The wire was then deployed in this location, and the guide needle was removed. The wire was then secured in place. Impression: Ultrasound-guided fine needle localization of the left sternoclavicular nodule with wire placement."

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