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Please note this question was answered in 2018. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Embolectomy vs. Atherectomy

Date: Jan 22, 2018


"The left external iliac artery lesion was stented with a 6 mm x 6 cm self-expanding stent, which was dilated to 6 mm. Catheter positioned in the SFA. A 6 mm x 6 cm self-expanding stent was then placed across the area of occlusion. The catheter was then positioned in the above-knee popliteal artery, and an outflow arteriogram was performed below the level of the knee. Using a straight Glidewire, the peroneal artery was accessed. The occlusion in the mid peroneal artery was crossed and suction embolectomy performed. A 0.018 wire was then placed. A 2 mm x 15 cm balloon was then used to dilate the peroneal artery. Repeat arteriogram was performed. An attempt was made to recanalize the left anterior tibial artery using multiple different wires; however, the chronic occlusion could not be crossed." Would you report code 37186 for the embolectomy with 37228, or 37229 atherectomy peroneal? In addition to 37221 (iliac) and 37226 (SFA)?

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