Items Tagged: cpt

ZHealth Coding Newsletter - September 2014

September 2014 Q & A

Question: Vertebral Artery Stenting

Rt. vertebral artery origin has severe flow-limiting stenosis at level of C-6 and intracranially 50% and 40%. Procedure codes used are 0075T, 76937 x2, G0269, 36140. Impression: Rt. vertebral artery origin severe stenosis reduced to minimal residual after balloon mounted stent placement. Basilar artery flow is improved with lower blood pressure after the intra-arterial administration of vasodilator and rt. vertebral artery origin stent placement. Lt. superficial femoral artery arterial monitoring catheter placement.

Medicare is denying 0075T for modifier incompatibility. ...

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ZHealth Coding Newsletter - February 2014

Q & A with Dr. David Zielske

Question: Sclerotherapy for Lymphatic Malformations

In the past, the coding recommendation for direct sclerotherapy/embolization of lymphatic malformations was to use unlisted codes. With the new embolization codes for 2014, would 37241 be a possibility for these procedures? I looked at 37244 but since that is referring to extravasation, it doesn't appear to match the intent of the sclerotherapy/embolization. Although 37241 doesn't use the term lymphatics, both the CPT book and CPT Insiders refer to these embolization codes to be used when "arteries, veins, and lymphatics may all be the target of embolization". Would you recommend continuing to use the unlisted codes or using one of the 2014 codes?

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