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Please note this question was answered in 2023. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

NUCLEAR MEDICINE 78582 & 78800

Date: Feb 15, 2023


Does this documentation support CPT 78582 with 78800?

Comparison: There are no prior studies available for comparison.


Ventilation study: Dynamic planar scintigraphic images of the lungs were obtained in the posterior projection while the patient was breathing a mixture of 9.5 mCi Xenon-133 and air, through a breathing apparatus. Images were obtained during initial breath hold, rebreathing to equilibrium and during wash-out phase, over a 3-minute period.

Perfusion study: Following the intravenous administration of 5.4 mCi technetium 99m MAA, static planar images of the lungs were obtained in the anterior, posterior, RAO, LAO, LPO, right lateral, and left lateral projections.

Findings: The ventilation study demonstrates heterogeneous distribution of inhaled radiotracer centrally, with mid to upper lung persistent radiotracer on washout images suggesting air trapping. There are small subsegmental defects at the left lung hilus region, without peripheral wedge-shaped large perfusion defect.

Impression: Mid Lung Air trapping

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