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Please note this question was answered in 2022. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

VATS with drainage of Paraspinal Abscess

Date: Dec 27, 2022


"The patient was then positioned, prepared, and draped for a right robotic-assisted video thoracoscopy vs thoracotomy. Three port incisions were made in the lateral chest wall, adhesions between the superior segment of the right lower lobe and the chest wall. The rest of the chest was unremarkable. We began by removing the adhesions to the chest wall, which were inflamed. As we were taking down these superior segments, a lung abscess was unroofed. Purulent fluid was aspirated and sent for culture. There was a small connection about the size of a dime adjacent to the chest wall that also drained a small amount of purulent material, and this was also unroofed irrigated and debrided. A 28 French chest tubes was then placed posteriorly."

I was not able to locate a CPT code that encompasses everything that was completed. Would this be an unlisted code and compare it to 32604? Or is there a better CPT code to use that we are unable to locate?

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