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Please note this question was answered in 2022. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Dissection of cecal tumor off RT External Iliac Artery

Date: Dec 23, 2022


I am at a loss for how to code the below procedure. Would we use unlisted code 37799? What would we compare that to for the insco?

"The patient right retroperitoneum was exposed. Tumor was already cut off the right retroperitoneum where it was stuck to the iliac artery. Here approximately 10 cm mass was stuck to the anterior wall of the iliac artery. With careful retraction and meticulous dissection the iliac artery was dissected exposed to as much as we can especially in the distal part and with the help of finger dissection created a plane in between the iliac artery and the mass. We continued dissection till we were able to lift of the tumor deposit of the iliac artery. This was circumferentially dissected. Mass itself was then removed of the iliac artery. Iliac artery was then examined and noted to be intact without any evidence of tear in the adventitia."

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