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Please note this question was answered in 2022. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

His bundle lead

Date: Nov 4, 2022


I was inquiring on how you would recommend billing for his bundle lead? It was billed as 33208. This is the first time I have seen this. 

"Procedure: An approximate 2-inch incision was made in the left chest wall, and using a combination of blunt and sharp dissection, the pacemaker pocket was fashioned down to the pre pectoral fascia. Using standard Seldinger technique, two guidewires were placed into the left axillary vein and confirmed by fluoroscopic imaging. Over these guidewires, standard peel-away sheaths were advanced into the left axillary vein. Through these peel-away sheaths, standard pacemaker leads were positioned (Table 1) under fluoroscopic guidance.

Table 1:

Location Company Model # Serial # Date of Implant

RA Medtronic XXX XXX October 7, 2022

His bundle Medtronic XXX XXX October 7, 2022"

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