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Please note this question was answered in 2022. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

CSV during the RHC

Date: Oct 17, 2022


Ablation SVT substrate incl comp EP study (93653); ablation of add’l arrhythmia substrate x4 (+93655); left atrial/coronary sinus recording w/ pacing (incl in 93653); Med infusion w/ prog stim (+93623); 3D map (incl in 93653); intracardiac echo (+93662). During the procedure, another MD performs/bills a congenital RHC – Abnormal native connections, which found dilated coronary sinus with venous anatomy demonstrated for potential future procedure (93594).

Question: EP wants to bill 36012 for coronary sinus venogram stating that “venogram is not related at all to the EP study or ablation; it is formal diagnostic imaging to evaluate options for future defibrillator upgrade and should be billable other than the fact there aren't great codes for it.” Based on the documentation, it appears he performed the CSV during the RHC. What is the appropriate code for the CSV, if any?

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