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Please note this question was answered in 2022. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Ho w would you report angiography? Thank you.

Date: Jun 1, 2022


How would you report angiography here? "Catheter was advanced to the suprarenal abdominal aorta and abdominal angiography performed. This demonstrated patent celiac trunk and SMA and its branches. Left renal artery was seen and appeared normal. Right renal artery was not seen. Catheter was placed in distal abdominal aorta and abdominal angiography pelvic angiography performed. Bilateral common femoral and iliac external iliac arteries were patent without significant obstructive disease. Selective right lower extremity angiography was performed, which demonstrated occlusion right SFA throughout its course occlusion of the right popliteal artery throughout its course with extensive collateral filling of the distal vessels and reconstitution of the right posterior tibial artery distally. Catheter was advanced over the bifurcation and left lower extremity angiography performed."

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