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Please note this question was answered in 2021. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Fibulectomy prior to vascular bypass

Date: Dec 3, 2021


Our physician performed a fibulectomy prior to a bypass procedure. I was leaning towards code 27641; however, that code description is for osteomyelitis. The note shows no indication the patient has osteomyelitis. Could I please get your opinion on coding this portion of the procedure? 

"The leg was internally rotated and the knee flexed 60 degrees. A longitudinal incision was made in the distal lower lateral leg centered over the area of intended anastomosis and extending 10 cm. Dissection was extended through the subcutaneous tissues and the crural fascia. All muscular attachments to the fibula were separated bluntly. After an adequate segment of the fibula was cleared of surrounding attachments, the bone was resected proximally and distally with a system 7 power saw. The peroneal vascular bundle was now identified. The peroneal nerve was identified and protected at all times. The artery was freed off its accompanying veins and dissected for a distance of approximately 3 cm."

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