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Please note this question was answered in 2021. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Documentation for clip placement post biopsy

Date: Sep 8, 2021


This is a two-part question. First we are hoping to get clarification on what documentation is needed in order to code out a post biopsy mammo for clip placement. Some of our rads only dictate: "POST BIOPSY FILMS CONFIRM CLIP PLACEMENT" or "AS A SEPARATE PROCEDURE IN A SEPARATE ROOM WITH A DEDICATED MACHINE, POST PROCEDURE DIGITAL MAMMOGRAPHIC IMAGING DEMONSTRATES THE LOCATION DEVICE AT THE TARGETED AREA". Is this enough to code out 77065? The second part is, if they just say post biopsy FILMS (along with proper documentation of clip) and they don't specifically say post bx MAMMOGRAM, can we still code out 77065? We were told that films are the same as x-rays which is what mammography is, therefor based on that verbiage it's ok to code out, but we want to be sure.

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