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Please note this question was answered in 2021. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

28805 vs 28820

Date: Jul 23, 2021


"Pre and Post Diagnosis: Severe right foot diabetic infection with abscess and osteomyelitis. Procedure: Transmetatarsal amputation of right third toe; transmetatarsal amputation right second toe; partial resection right first metatarsal. Description: Using a 15 blade scalpel, the base of the right second toe was incised all the way to heathy bone. The toe was amputated and using a ronguer debrided all the way to healthy bone. This involved resection of the metatarsal head of the second toe."

He also resected metatarsal head of previously amputated right first toe. He amputated and resected metatarsal head of right third toe in the same manner as he did the second toe.

Can you please advise if this is coded as two 28805's with a 28122 for the resection of the right first metatarsal head, or do you code as 28820 for the toe amputations with a 11044 bone debridement?

Please let me know if more information is needed for you to be able to answer us appropriately.

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