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Please note this question was answered in 2021. The coding advice may or may not be outdated.

Attempted Induction during EP testing

Date: Jun 28, 2021


"The CS catheter was inserted through the access & placed in the coronary sinus. Standardized diagnostic EP testing was performed with atrial pacing & recording, ventricular pacing & recording, and His recording with attempted induction of arrhythmia: Next we started decremental pacing starting at 600 msec from CS 7-8. AV block was obtained at 430 msec. Next we started decremental pacing from the RV catheter starting at 700 msec. VA block was obtained at 580 msec with VA prolongation during pacing. Next we paced from CS 7-8 with extrastimuli: AV block was obtained at 650/350 msec. No echo beats or AH jumpe were obtained during pacing. Next, we started isuprel 2 mcg with gradual increase to 5 then 10 mcg. We repeated the same pacing protocols without being able to induce any SVT."

How would this study be coded? I also have a question regarding the CVC lines placed for study. Our HIM codes them. Can they be charged?

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